President of the PO "Central Asian Association of Ophthalmologists"

Suleymenov Marat Smagulovich

Highly qualified ophthalmologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Chief Ophthalmologist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Head of the Department of Ophthalmology at Kazakh National Medical University named S.D. Asfendiyarov, Refractive surgeon, Highly qualified doctor.


  • The medical faculty of Almaty State Medical Institute, 1994.
  • Postgraduate study at the Kazakh State Medical University, 1998.
  • ‘Management of healthcare’ GSPH, 2012.
  • Masters of business administration in health care “Health care Management”, in Almaty Management University, 2015.

Academic degree, academic title:

  • Doctor of Medicine, thesis title: “Excimer laser surgery in correction of residual and induced post-operated ametropia “ (2008).

Awards , honorary titles , certificates:

Marat Suleymenov has awarded the following awards, honorary titles and certificates for outstanding work in the field of healthcare:
  • Award pin "Қазақстан Республикасы денсаулық сақтау ісінің үздігі" (for the excellent service in healthcare system of the Republic of Kazakhstan).
  • Jubilee medal "Қазақстан Республикасының тәуелсіздігіне 20 жыл" (For the 20th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan).
  • Appreciation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, certificate of honor from the Department of Health of the city of Almaty and gratitude from the political council of the NDP "Nur Otan" of the cities of Almaty and Astana.

Work experience:

  • 1994 -1995 - Junior Researcher, Laboratory of Corneal Pathology and the doctor in charge at the Kazakh Research Institute of Eye Diseases.
  • 2001- 2003 - Postgraduate study at the Kazakh State Medical University.
  • 2005-2008 - Head of the department № 2 at the Kazakh Research Institute of Eye Diseases.
  • 2008 – Head of the Department of Refractive Laser Surgery at Kazakh Research Institute of Eye Diseases.
  • 2008-2015 - Head of the surgery block at the Kazakh Research Institute of Eye Diseases.
  • 2014, 2019 - Chief Medical Officer at the Kazakh Research Institute of Eye Diseases.
  • October 2014 - current - Head of the Department of Ophthalmology at the Kazakh National Medical University named S.D. Asfendiyarova.

Scientific Journal Publications:

  • Aubakirova A.Z., Suleymenov M.S., Tuletova A.S. Long-term results of LASIK for anisomyopia in children.
  • Suleymenov M.S., Issergepova B.I., Kim O.R., Kaldygarin A.T. Results of LASEK with photochemical fixation of a flap on a penetrating corneal graft.
  • Botabekova T.K., Suleimenov M.S., Kim O.R. FemtoLasik in the correction of residual ametropia after excimer laser correction using the Lasik method.
  • Botabekova T.K., Suleymenov M.S., Kim O.R. Correction of induced ametropia after penetrating keratoplasty using a femtosecond laser.
  • Nurlybekova E.N., Suleymenov M.S., Utelbaeva Z.T., Uldanov O.G., Masimgaziev A.S., Kadyrgaliev B.E. Evaluation of the state of preservation of the corneal lenticule after refractive surgery at different times.

Сhairman of the PO "Central Asian Association of Ophthalmologists"

Abdullina Venera Ravilevna

Chief Medical Officer at the Lucy Clinic LLP, Medical Science Candidate, Chairman of the PMC (Project Management Committee) in the specialty of “Ophthalmology for adults, children” at the State Unitary Enterprise (Project Management Group) of Surgery EMA REMC MES RK (educational and methodological association of the Republican Educational Methodological Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan); an independent expert in the field of institutional and specialized accreditation of educational institutions.


  • Almaty State Medical Institute, Faculty of Pediatrics in 1995.
  • 2003-2006 – Postgraduate study at the «Kazakh Research Institute of Eye Diseases».
  • June 2007 – Defense of the candidate's thesis "Malachite green as a photosensitizer in photodynamic therapy of eyelid tumors" in the specialty 14.00.08 (eye diseases) and 14.00.14 (оncology).


  • Diploma of Merit from administration of JSC «Kazakh Research Institute of Eye Diseases» in 2012 and 2013.
  • Diploma of Merit from Ministry of Healthcare and social development in 2016.
  • Diploma of Merit from administration of JSC «Kazakh Research Institute of Eye Diseases» in 2019.
  • Title "Honorary Teacher of the Institute" – 2017.

Scientific activity:

54 scientific articles including 3 copyright certificates, 4 foreign journal publications.

Scientific inventions:

author of 3 copyright certificates.

Science degree:

medical science candidate 14.00.08 (eye diseases) and 14.00.14 (oncology).

Work experience:

  • 1995-1996 – Research Institute of Cardiology (medical laboratory scientist),
  • 1996-1997 – Outpatient clinic «Taugul» (Pediatrician),
  • 1997-1998 - City policlinic №15, Ophthalmologist,
  • 1998-2000 – Central City Hospital, Department of Eye Microsurgery (Ophthalmologist),
  • 2000–2003 – Postgraduate study at the Kazakh Research Institute of Eye Diseases,
  • 2004–2008 – Head of Refractive Surgery,
  • 2008-2011 – Leading researcher at the Kazakh Research Institute of Eye Diseases,
  • 2012-2014 – Further education sector (leading researcher),
  • 2014-2015 - Senior lecturer of the postgraduate department of JSC «Kazakh Research Institute of Eye Diseases»,
  • January 2015 – September 2020 – Head of Department of Postgraduate Education JSC «Kazakh Research Institute of Eye Diseases»,
  • September 2020–July 2022 – Associate Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, KRMU.
  • April 2021-current – Chief Medical Officer of the « Lucy Clinic » LLP.

The NGO builds its activities based on the principles:

  • Unity of action in achieving common goals;
  • Election of all bodies from bottom to top, their regular reporting to members of the PA and higher authorities;
  • Unified financial policy;

The PA is the sole owner of the property and funds transferred to it and acquired by it legally

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